
Birgit Schlicke

Wiesbaden, Hessen
* 1969

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. (Bertolt Brecht)

Biografie auf Deutsch
  • politische Haft
  • Ausreise/Ausbürgerung
  • Englisch

Biographical information

1969 Born in Görlitz
Until 1987 Extended secondary school, subsequent expulsion due to parents’ application for an exit visa for the family
1988 Arrested by the Stasi; six months of pre-trial custody in Cottbus
August 1988 Convicted of ‘illegal communications transmission’ (§ 99) and ‘interference with state activity’ (§ 214), followed by imprisonment in Hoheneck
December 1989 Exit to West Germany
1990 Abitur (higher education entrance qualification) in Rottweil
1991–1997 Study of American studies and political science in Tübingen and Washington D.C., Master‘s degree
1993–1994 Graduate exchange programme at Georgetown University in Washington D.C.
1998 Advanced training in business administration, Frankfurt am Main
Since 1999 Employment at various international corporations and industries in the Rhine-Main region

Photographer of the current portrait photo of Birgit Schlicke: Alesch Mühlbauer


Birgit Schlicke’s biography represents compelling evidence of the fundamentally unjust character of the GDR state. Even more than thirty years after the fall of the Wall, the reappraisal of and accounting for the crimes of the GDR regime is far from complete. In her book, the author recounts the inhumane methods applied by the SED and the Stasi. Following her parents’ exit visa application, she was banned from further education, forced to quit 'extended secondary school', and temporarily worked as a postwoman. Letters of complaint to GDR government authorities, a letter to the West German International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) and her part in organising a silent protest march led to her arrest, as well as her father‘s. Following her conviction, she went through hell at Hoheneck women’s prison: roll calls, forced labour, harassment and aggressive advances from convicted murderers were a daily occurence. Although the Wall came down on 9 November 1989, Birgit Schlicke was not released until 17 November – after serving almost two years in prison.


"Alzey: Ehemalige Insassin eines DDR-Zuchthauses beim Workshop am ELG" - Birgit Schlicke, ehemalige Insassin des Frauenzuchthauses Hoheneck berichtete im Elisabeth-Lamggässer-Gymnasium von ihren Erfahrungen mit der DDR. Ihre Geschichte begann mit einem Ausreiseantrag, der ihr in dem „großen Gefängnis“, wie sie die DDR nennt, das Leben schwer machte. Allgemeine Zeitung, 14.9.2017.

"Interessant und beklemmend" - Birgit Schlicke besuchte Schülerinnen ud Schüler des Gymnasiums Nidda. Kreis-Anzeiger, 19.05.2016.

"Tag der Deutschen Einheit" - Zeitzeugin Birgit Schlicke berichtet am Gymnasium Nackenheim von den Verhörmethoden der Stasi. Allgemeine Zeitung Rhein Main Presse, 02.10.2015.

"Opfer staatlich organisierter Schikane" - Birgit Schlicke war in die Sophie-Scholl-Schule gekommen und schilderte ihre Erinnerungen an ihre Schulzeit, an Ausreisebemühungen und Verhaftung. Allgemeine Zeitung Rhein Main Presse, 02.03.2015.

"Eingesperrt, weil sie frei sein wollte" - Birgit Schlicke berichtet von ihrer Jugend in der DDR, von Repressalien durch die Staatssicherheit und von ihrem Antrag auf Ausreise. Sie schildert ihre Verhaftung im Februar 1988 und erinnert sich an die Haftzeit. Frankfurter Allgemeine, Rhein-Main, 09.11.2014.